
Aug 19, 2012

Using postal service to gauge government efficiency

As a way to measure and explain why some governments are more efficient than others, Professor Rafael La Porta and three other economists came up with an unusual idea: Between December 2010 and February 2011, they mailed letters to nonexistent business addresses in 159 countries — two letters to each country’s five largest cities. They waited for a full year to see which ones were returned, and published their findings.

Aug 19, 2012

MBA job hunt: The plan

This is the first in a series of stories that serves as a guide to the MBA job hunt. In today’s economy, job hunters, even MBAs from top programs, need plans A, B, and C. At Tuck, students break down their focus into three buckets.

Aug 19, 2012

Hospitals should not adopt new healthcare IT program too quickly

Professor Eric Johnson writes, “The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid recently announced that Electronic Health Record incentive payments skipped past $6 billion, with over 122,000 providers already taking part in the action. The incentive frenzy has really just begun, as this represents less than half of the 260,000 providers who have already registered to join the $27 billion funding party.”